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The Tactile: Reconnect to Writing (track 4, session 1)

This 2-part class by Brooklyn Baggett explores the physical writing and how tactile elements can help us not only reconnect with our writing, but also ourselves. In this class, you’ll utilize only physical objects and materials in the creative writing process.

Class 1 will be a short lecture and discussion on tactile/mixed media writing. We’ll examine examples and discuss how we might describe it collectively. You’ll create one guided piece.

Class 2 will be a presentation and discussion. You’ll create an additional piece, and we’ll share, discuss, receive feedback, and have an opportunity for Q&A.

Important Notes:

  1. You’ll be mailed (via good ol’ snail mail) a packet of materials for the first class. Please make sure to include your mailing address when you sign up.

  2. There are 4 different tracks to this course. Please be sure to let us know which track you’re signing up for.

  3. There is a limit of 5 students per track (we’ll let you know when you sign up if a track is at max capacity).

  4. All sessions will be held over Zoom.


3-5 pm PST (6-8 pm EST):

  1. Wed Mar 2

  2. Wed Mar 9


3-5 pm PST (6-8 pm EST):

  1. Wed Mar 16

  2. Wed Mar 23


3-5 pm PST (6-8 pm EST):

  1. Thurs Mar 17

  2. Thurs Mar 24


3-5 pm PST (6-8 pm EST):

  1. Wed Mar 30

  2. Wed Apr 6

You must be enrolled before the first session to attend the full two-part course.

March 24

Let's Go on a DATE: Seducing Readers through Dialogue, Action, Thought, & Exposition (Thurs session 4)

April 2