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Have you always wanted to write a novel but don’t know where to start? Have you not written in years and want to dive back in? Do you have lots of ideas but don't know how to start filling that first blank page?
Have no fear! This 4-week class is here!
This class focuses on how you can get started on the project you’ve always wanted to work on. You’ll learn the the tools you need to get that ever-important first draft down on the page. Over the course of 4 weeks, we’ll learn:
Choosing and Fleshing Out an Idea
We’ll get introduced to the writer’s toolbox and learn how to choose ideas and start writing.
Plotting the Course and the Importance of Character
We’ll review different plotting devices and how to choose what works best with your styles. Then we’ll deep dive into the ways characters carry stories and why characters are often the most important parts of drafts.
World-building, Description, Point-of-View
Whether you’re writing only spans the space of one room or the space of the universe, you’ll need to build out your world. Through description, you help your readers visualize that world and all of its characters and their emotions. POV helps dictate to your readers how they’ll relate to those incredible worlds and characters you’ve built.
Demystifying the 2nd Act and Finishing that Draft
The middle can often be the hardest part of a draft to navigate. We’ll review how all the pieces come together and what we can use to push a story to a satisfying conclusion.
Taught by Aurora Hurd.
Sun 9/4
Sun 9/11
Sun 9/18
Sun 9/25
To enroll in the full course, click here >>>