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Intuitive Fiction Writing (session 6)

This 8-week fiction course taught by Amy Landisman is all about vision and re-vision. Explore new ideas, receive feedback on your work, and learn revision strategies to move your writing forward.

The first three sessions will focus on exploring setting, character, plot, and point-of-view through meditative, intuitive writing exercises. When we resume in the new year, we’ll ask the important questions about our work: “What do I have? What do I want it to be?” The class will then focus on re-envisioning our work with feedback, workshops, and revision strategies.

Please come ready to write, share, and listen respectfully. Classes will be held over Zoom.

8 sessions, all 4-6 pm PST (7-9 pm EST):

  1. Mon Dec 6

  2. Mon Dec 13

  3. Mon Dec 20

  4. Jan Mon 3

  5. Mon Jan 17

  6. Mon Jan 24

  7. Mon Jan 31

  8. Mon Feb 7

You must be enrolled before the first session to attend the full course.

January 22

Play Structure

January 27

Tell Your Story, One Element at a Time (session 1)